Magcam is the technology leader in permanent magnet inspection based on its unique magnetic field camera technology.
Magcam’s hardware, software, and services work closely together to measure, visualize, and analyze full three-dimensional magnetic field distributions with high spatial resolution at high speed and deliver voluminous magnetic field data for in-depth analysis of permanent magnets, permanent magnet rotors, and other magnet assemblies.
Magcam’s complete solution guarantees a better development of high-end technology applications of permanent magnets, improved incoming and outgoing quality control, and 100% in-line production testing in any industry.
Located in Leuven, Belgium, Magcam is committed to solving magnetic challenges across the border with distributors and partners in China, Japan, India, South Korea, and the USA. From our headquarter in Belgium, we support many customers in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, South America, and most countries in Asia.